The Nakba, the Law, and What Lies In Between

Author Noura Erakat

Noura Erakat is a Palestinian activist, human rights attorney, and assistant professor at George Mason University. She is a co-editor of Jadaliyya and an Editorial Committee member of the Journal of Palestine Studies.

The Nakba and Anti-Blackness

Noura Erakat: An anti-blackness framework urges us to think about other communities, besides native Palestinians, that intersect with the category of “black.” People of African descent have long been in Palestine/Israel, and their presence cuts across dominant categories: there are Afro-Palestinians (predominantly Muslim), Ethiopian Israeli Jews (whose mass migration begins to achieve momentum in the mid-eighties), and recently-arrived asylum seekers from Sudan and Eritrea (both Muslim and Christian). Such provocations unsettle a stark native-settler binary and illuminate broader implications for anti-racist commitments within the Palestinian liberation struggle.

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