The Nakba, the Law, and What Lies In Between

Author K-Sue Park

K-Sue Park received her J.D. from Harvard Law School and her Ph.D from the Department of Rhetoric at UC Berkeley, where she explored the early histories of contracts, property, federal torts and immigration law by examining how these legal doctrines arose from material histories of colonization. In her dissertation, she examined strategies for financing settlement in the colonies and during the period of the early Republic to offer critical analysis of contemporary political assumptions and classical political theory. She currently works as a legal-aid attorney on the Texas-Mexico border, where she focuses on fighting predatory mortgage servicing and lending and foreclosure defense.

Symposium: The Colonial History of Social Contracts

K-Sue Park: When Israeli jurists speak of their country’s “social contract,” they are tapping into a history that goes back further than thinkers like Locke and Hobbes and is instead grounded in agreements concluded by English settlers in North America.

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