The Nakba, the Law, and What Lies In Between

Author The Editors

The Occupation has a Gender

Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian: For the past several weeks we had been working with teachers and parents to collect hand-written letters from the girls. We asked them to reflect on their experiences as girls growing up in Jerusalem. What was it like to be a Palestinian girl in Jerusalem? What did justice mean to them?

The 50-Year-Old Military Order That Could Unleash a New Wave of Land Grabs in the West Bank

The Nakba Files presents an original English translation of Military Order 58: Order on Abandoned Properties (Private Property), which was promulgated by the Israeli military command in the West Bank on 23 July 1967, at the dawn of the occupation of that territory.

The Jewish National Fund as a Colonial Entity

A brief explainer on the Jewish National Fund and how Israel uses it to legalize the colonization of Palestinian land.

Israel Pushing Palestinian Workers Out of Court, No Labor Rights for Workers

A new regulation effectively shuts West Bank Palestinians out of Israeli labor courts. It also reveals how Israel uses laws and regulations to seize Palestinian land while denying Palestinians rights.

State Crime Journal on Palestine

The current issue of State Crime Journal takes up the theme of “Palestine, Palestinians, and Israel’s State Criminality.” The journal is paywalled but the editors, along with Richard Falk, presented its findings on a recent panel at Queen Mary University in… Continue Reading →

How Many Countries Sponsor West Bank Settlers?

A Dutch citizen who moves to a settlement in the West Bank receives higher pension payments from the Dutch government than if he stayed in the Netherlands. This is only one particularly egregious example of how other states sponsor Israel’s colonization of Palestine and the ongoing Nakba.

The Illusion of Justice in the Settler Colony: Palestinian Women, Law and the State

On 14 July in Acre, Mada al-Carmel — the Arab Center for Applied Social Research will host its second annual international conference on the theme of “The Illusion of Justice in the Settler Colony: Palestinian Women, Law and the State.”… Continue Reading →

Can Israel Have a Fair Asylum Law Without Confronting the Nakba?

In Israeli political discourse, the issue of African asylum seekers and the question of Palestine are largely seen as disconnected from one another. Yet the contours of Israel’s asylum regime and, by extension, its anti-Blackness and mistreatment of African migrants, cannot be understood in isolation from the Nakba and its laws.

The Nakba and the Holocaust: A Conversation with Bashir Bashir

How can one think productively about the Holocaust and the Nakba together? Political theorist Bashir Bashir argues that confronting this question is necessary in order to develop a new approach to decolonization in Israel/Palestine. Bashir agreed to discuss the project of engaging the Holocaust and Nakba together in a recent interview with The Nakba Files.

An Israeli Guide to Annexation

Israel has long been accused of partially or incrementally annexing territories seized through war and subject to settlement, especially the West Bank and Golan Heights. Here is a breakdown of the different instruments by which Israel has applied parts of its domestic legal system to the territories occupied in 1967, with the ultimate effect of creating a segregated regime of unequal laws for Palestinians and Israelis.

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